
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Corporate Biotech Giant Monsanto Responsible For Bee Population Decline - Suggests Latest Research...

For the past decade Honeybee populations have been dwindling. The phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder has been occurring throughout the world. Every year or so it seems this story catches fire in the media and you have pundits saying everything from “It’s the end of the world” to “It’s a non issue.” but the dwindling numbers of the worlds bee populations isn’t a laughing matter. Anytime a species is on the verge of extinction or even hinting at moving in that direction it’s a serious topic that should be discussed and researched. For the past ten years nobody knew what was causing colony collapse disorder, nobody knew why the bees were mysteriously dying, scientists couldn’t figure it out. Until now.

The Biotechnology company Monsanto and the worlds largest supplier of pesticides, genetically engineered seeds and agrochemicals - not to mention the most evil and corrupt company in the world - has - at least in part - been blamed for the decline in world wide bee populations.

Poland - in an effort to save it’s native honeybee population - has recently banned genetically engineered corn that self-produces a popular insecticide known as neonicotinoid after research found that the insecticide triggers Colony Collapse Disorder. (CCD) Germany and Greece have also banned the genetically engineered crop.

A Harvard University study published in the June 2012 issue of Bulletin of Insectology also found a strong correlation between imidacloprid a neonicotinoid insecticide and CCD.

Neonicotinoid pesticides - or Neonics - are sprayed over 142 million acres of corn, soy, wheat and cotton in the United States alone. They also happen to be a common ingredient in a variety of home gardening products. The problem with Neonics is that they are absorbed by a plants vascular system contaminating both the pollen and nectar that bees come in contact with. The Neonics act as a nerve poison that disorientates bees - as well as other insects - damaging their homing abilities which may help to account for their ‘mysterious’ failure to make it back to their hives.

Of course there are other contributing factors to dwindling bee population, and scientists have pointed the finger at everything from loss of wild bee habitats, to the weakening of bee immune systems as a result of poor diet. - Commercial bees are fed pesticide laced corn syrup rather then their own honey - as well as the common techniques of modern beekeeping such as artificially inseminating queen bees, which results in a loss of genetic diversity in bee populations.

Though regardless of other contributing factors it’s been made clear that genetically engineered crops and pesticides such as neonics bare a heavy responsibility when it comes to bee population decline. Unfortunately when faced with these charges Monsanto’s response was to buy up one of the leading bee collapse research organizations Beeologics. The purchase can be found in public company records and shows the biotech company bought Beeologics in September of 2011. Which coincidently is around the time the story of the correlation between GM crops and bee decline stopped being explored in the media. Until of course Polish officials began expressing their concerns over the research.

Hm - blamed for bee decline, buy a bee decline research company, because that’s not a conflict of interest right?

For more information on the story check out...

Natural Society
Natural News
The Huffington Post
Global Research

Or just Google Monsanto/Bees.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! Very informative! Must tell you that the photo you posted with this news is absolutely FABULOUS! You are a GREAT photographer! KUDOS!
    A fan of your blog! S.T.
