Sunday, July 24, 2011

Watercress, Tomato and Avocado Sandwich with Smokey Garlic Mayo

Since my unexpected success with my super simple dill mao I’ve been rather interested in concocting other interesting mayo flavors to pair with interesting yet easy sandwiches that can be thrown together for a quick bite to eat. This particular sandwich came about out of sheer necessity. I had an avocado and a bunch of watercress sitting in my fridge begging to be used. Even though I’m not too familiar with watercress (I actually only tried it for the first time this month! Wow, that’s a little embarrassing to admit actually.) I thought it’s peppery, parsley reminiscent bite would pair well with smooth and creamy avocado. Of course tomato and avocado are a match made by Hera, so that was a no-brainer. Developing the mayo however took a little brainpower but eventually I came to the realization that you can never go wrong with garlic and a bit of smokiness, especially where tomatoes and avocados are concerned, and I was right.

This sandwich was the perfect lunch, filling, cooling and refreshing in the face of this ridiculous heat wave we’ve been having. All the components paired beautifully together. The best part of course is that it’s super quick and easy to throw together, and you can pair it with some veggie chips, fresh fruit, fresh raw veggie sticks or my Sweet Cajun Plantains as I did here.

Watercress, Tomato and Avocado Sandwich with Smokey Garlic Mayo

1 handful watercress
4-5 slices tomato about 1 small-medium
4-6 slices avocado (or to taste, about half to one avocado)
2 slices whole wheat bread
pinch of white pepper
Smokey Garlic Mayo
1 ½ tbsp mayo (I used Earth Balance Mindful Mayo)
1 heaping 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
dash of black pepper
½ tsp garlic powder

- Toast your bread till lightly golden.

- While bread is toasting you can slice your vegetables and make your mayo. To make mayo all you have to do is combine your favorite non-dairy may with the your spices in a bowl, and mix until smooth and everything has been incorporated.

- The best way that I’ve found to slice and peel an avocado. Is to just take a knife and cut down lengthwise all the way around the circumference of the avocado. Then twist and the two halves will come apart, then you can easily remove the peel and the pit, then slice the avocado into nice strips.

- When your bread, your veggies and your mayo are all ready, slather mayo onto one slice of bread, pile with tomatoes, a sprinkle of white pepper, watercress and then avocado. If you like you can slather your second slice of bread with the remaining mayo (I did, I also used the whole avocado, because I’m not the type to worry about such things) and press on top.

- Slice your sandwich in half, and enjoy with your favorite light summer side dish, and a glass of Iced Ginger Lime Green Tea, or Cranberry Lemonade.


  1. Amazing's the perfect lunch for when having guests over..think I will try these and add a salad on the side..your picture is mouth watering!!!ST

  2. I'm finally over the hamburger/sandwhich overload from Vegan MoFo & now I'm ready for even more! =D - Matt
