Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Popeye...

I’ve been craving spinach lately, and oranges. Yesterday when doing my grocery shopping o bought several pounds of each. Then this morning when I awoke in dire need of a green smoothie fix I thought what better use for them? I’m sure you’re saying to yourself that spinach and orange is a strange combination, but trust me when I say they pair beautifully together. Not only is it delicious, and a wonderfully nutritious way to start one’s day, but the vitamin C from the oranges and lime juice help your body to absorb the full iron content of the spinach. Incase you didn’t know - for whatever reason our bodies find it difficult to fully absorb iron from certain leafy greens, spinach being at the top of that list. So by simply adding something containing vitamin C you dramatically improve your bodies ability to absorb this important nutrient. This by the way is important to note whether or not your vegan, vegetarian or omnivore. Iron isn’t absorbed any easier by meat-eaters which is why anaemia effects omnivores as much (if not more so) then it does vegetarians and vegans. So if you’re going to eat your greens, as you should make sure to pair them with lemon, lime, orange, tomato or any other vitamin C containing food. My opinion is to always use a lot of vitamin C rich foods in cooking anyway, because it’s one of natures most important antioxidants. How can you go wrong?

The Popeye

3 Handfuls of baby spinach
2 Navel Oranges peeled and halved
1 C chopped pineapple
2-3 packets Stevia, or other sweetener (Optional)
2 C filtered water (or more to thin if needed)
3 Tbsp lime juice

- Place all ingredients except sweetener in high speed blender and blend on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until completely smooth.

- Taste for sweetness and adjust as necessary, and enjoy!

Now I can’t guarantee that by drinking this smoothie your muscles are going to quadruple and bulge right out of your shirt. You’re not going to turn into the hulk or anything but I think you’ll feel a nice boost after drinking this. I did at least, by the time I’d drained my glass my energy was flowing and I was feeling pretty lively. I hope you feel the same.

Bottoms Up!

*** Note - This recipe makes enough for three good sized glasses. So if you’re not looking to drink that much, or don’t have anyone to share it with then by all means cut the recipe in half. ***

1 comment:

  1. This was really good & you need to make more of it! =) - M
